What is power and as its support of normal?

Sex is one and the most important components of a relationship between a man and a woman. And each representative of the stronger sex knows what is power and what is its function in sexual life. The power is an important factor in male opportunities in bed with the woman, it depends not only on the activity of man, but and its reproductive function, that is, the ability to have children.

What is power

What is power?

To understand what is the power, the man needs to know the components of this term. They are the degree of tension and increase of the penis, the rate of occurrence of the erect state, the duration of the sexual relationship and its quality. The power is purely male sexual the concept of the constitution, which describes the physiological normal the manifestations of sexual of man.

Today clear quantitative dimensions normal male potency does not exist. Does not have borders and frames, what should be the penis during sexual arousal, how long should last sexual intercourse, which should be the number of a copulative friction. On average, the medicine to accept the sexual act, with a duration of 2.5 minutes and longer, the friction during intercourse can 50-60.

All of the indicators above normal are considered normal in effect the individuality of the organism and temperament of the men, but if data is well below these indicators, one can talk about diseases of sexual. One of the experts can say with accuracy, the power is good, if the boy is present a strong desire and attraction to the opposite sex, a strong erection that enables a man to achieve ejaculation and orgasm.

It is also an important factor, which can modify the indicators of power — it is the age of man. The peak of sexual activity and high quality, the power falls in the age 20 to 30 years.

The main causes of its degradation

In a state of potency and erectile function can negatively influence internal and external factors, such as, for example, ecology and the environment, food and style of life, habits, psychogenic factors, diseases of the urinary system and the system of pathology. The doctors say that a good power doubled with the normal functioning of all systems and organs. In general, the causes that reduce the power, can be physiological and psychological.

Psychogenic factors-reduction of power — more often than the reduction of power in the context of such reasons, occurs in younger individuals. The exhaustion of the nervous system, lack of rest, complex, stress and anxiety, all of this leads to a decrease of sexual activity. The psychological causes of low power can be the following:

  • excess mental and physical load;
  • insomnia or sleep less than 8 hours per day;
  • insecurity and complex than men;
  • the failure in the sexual sphere, the first bad experience;
  • the dissatisfaction partners;
  • the excess of work;
  • frequent stress and anxiety;
  • fears;
  • depression;
  • the evil-being of the body;
  • the conflicts in relationships and at work.

Low self-esteem, unfavorable climate in the relationship with a woman, neuroses, complexes, all this leads to impotence. But psychogenic impotence can be adjusted with the help of experts, to eliminate all the causes of their degradation.

Physiological factors-reduction of power — such disturbances of genital mutilation most frequently observed among the older men, after the age of 40. In the first place, it decreases the synthesis of the hormone testosterone, responsible for sexual activity, in the second place, the advanced age and problems can occur in the cardiovascular system and the neurological diseases, which also implies the decrease of the power. This is why the physiological reasons of reduction of power relate to:

  • injury to the spinal cord and vertebral column;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of the urinary system;
  • the lesion area of the groin and pelvic;
  • cardiovascular pathology, for example, hypertension, stroke, or heart attack, atherosclerosis, and Dr;
  • the excess cholesterol in the blood;
  • of endocrinology and pathology imbalance of hormones;
  • excess weight and obesity;
  • the metabolic effects of the disease;
  • systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the nervous system, such as, for example, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson and Dr;
  • infections that are transmitted sexually.
Popular medicine

Also in the sexual sphere can negatively affect the wrong image the life of a man, small degree of mobility, bad habits, the lack of power, abuse of propranolol, the deficiency of vitamins and other valuable resources, transitional sexual life.

Ways to improve your power

Before resorting to the help of several drugs, remedies and therapeutic to improve the power, the man need to comply with some prevention measures. In the first place, it is necessary to abandon bad habits, smoking, alcoholic drinks, narcotic substances. In the second place, it is necessary to balance the diet, eliminating harmful products. In the third place, the man needs to have agile style of life, checked in the clinic, in the presence of diseases and infections.

Folk remedies

If you experience a slight power drop, in addition to the elimination of irritants, the man need to do conventional home treatment.

Folk medicine offers the most effective recipes to increase sexual activity, namely:

  • In a liter of cold water you have to dilute a cup washed the peas, leave the composition of the fermentation during the night. Filtered infusion to drink some of the techniques during the day.
  • The root of ginseng size 3-4 cm need to cut, mix with 3.5 liters of vodka, after letting it brew during the day. After you do the dye take 2-3 times a day, 50 to 60 ml. Take the tool need 5 months to the rollup effect.
  • Take a bottle of quality port wine, add there, 100 grams of fruits of fennel, and then the mixture is necessary to insist in the refrigerator for about 3 weeks. The filtered dye take before sleeping in half of the cup.
  • Take honey and propolis, is joined in the same proportion, after that every morning, on an empty stomach take a tablespoon.
  • In two cups of water to dissolve a tablespoon of soda, after that, the tool can be drunk several meals per day.
  • In a three-liter bank need to grind about a pound of garlic, fill the boiled water. Insist mix need about a month after taking daily a teaspoon.
  • Charge 2 tablespoons shredded petals of a walnut, the inflorescences of the basilica, and also 8 tablespoons of the root of horseradish. A mixture of fermenting a liter of hot, red wine, all wrap cloth, leave fermentation. Filtered infusion take 100 ml before each meal.

Folk medicine is a conservative way, that has integrated a positive impact on the entire body of a man. It is important to note the prescription and the duration of the therapy folk media, as they act soft, suggesting a cumulative effect. Stopping the treatment, you can reset all the results.


Use drug tool for the treatment of problems with potency is possible only after a search in the clinic, and the powers of the doctor. Help restore the power capable of a urologist or andrologist, prescription medicines corresponds to the reasons for the demotion power. Today distinguish the pills and capsules potency, medicines of the local application, injection into the interior of the introduction, stimulants erection fast action, and also the natural remedies and dietary supplements.


Medicines in the form of capsules and tablets easier to carry over by the body, guarantee the high efficiency, but only in the case of regular use according to the instructions in the instruction manual.

Hormonal ointment require a careful treatment according to the instructions in the instruction manual, as well as the overdose can mean the man of side effects, and even the reverse effect.

Stimulants erection fast action contain in the composition of the components, such as sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil or udenafil. From any of these drugs gives only a temporary effect, the same assumes strict contra-indications and side effects.


The power is a complex system of sexual functions of men, that is responsible for the speed in which erection occurs, the quality and the a long this state of a penis, for the duration of the sexual act, the degree of sexuality and the libido of the man, his ability to have children. To not decrease power, it is necessary to know all of the factors of negative influence. Otherwise, you must resort to the popular and drug methods of recovery of potency.