How to increase the power in the house

The problem of reduction of power is particularly serious. As only the erection becomes apathetic, the man begins to feel insecure, complex. What to do in a tricky situation? Taking the pill is not the best option. Consult a doctor – there is not always time. In this article, you will read about how to quickly increase the power in the house, without risk to health.

The causes of reduced potency in men

What is potency in men

In the beginning, we understand that it is potency in men, and what are the make up. Literally, it is defined as the ability of any one action. In our case, is an indicator of male strength, in a sense, the masculine and the nationality. It determines the ability of men to lead an intimate life and perform the reproductive function. Includes the following elements:

  1. Erectile function – the ability of sexual contact, stable erection.
  2. Libido – sexual desire.
  3. The functionality of the sex cells – the speed of movement of the sperm, for their quality and resistance.
  4. The capacity for orgasm and ejaculation.

The main role in the maintenance of male power belongs to testosterone - male hormone. The higher the level of hormone in the blood, the greater the power.

The concentration of testosterone in the blood can occur in the age 27-30 years. It is the flowering of the sexual abilities of men. After 30 years, the testosterone is produced less, but the key issue is not the reason of the reduction of the power of the male, there are other, consider them forth.

The causes of reduced potency in men

The index of male strength depends on the following factors:

  1. Age. The older the man, the more he has health problems. Normally, the first signs of decline in male function observed after 40-45 years.
  2. The style of life. The unbalanced diet, excess load, excess of work, getting enough sleep, bad habits can significantly reduce the sexual desire and virility.
  3. Disease. It is a different type of infections, low immunity, chronic diseases affect the sexual performance of a young man and, therefore, need time to heal and be preventive physical examinations. Among the most dangerous diseases for male potency include:
    • diseases genito-urinary sphere: urethritis, prostatitis;
    • impairment of blood circulation (narrowing of the blood vessels violates the flow to the genitals);
    • neurological disease (breach of conduct impulses to the head unit the brain and the genitals);
    • hormonal disorders;
    • mental disorders (anxiety, phobias);
    • injuries and birth defects of the genital development.
    The stress
  4. The excess of weight. The formation of fat interlayer leads to the replacement of testosterone to estrogen, which leads to a decrease of sexual function.
  5. The psychological factors. Is a group of factors, in some cases, they are the main causes of disqualification from male power:
    • stress, depression;
    • the nervous tension;
    • the fears related to their sexual insolvency;
    • the attitude of a woman.

In other cases, sexual function can affect the excessive mania of other activity – work, career. The sexual desire when this loses its relevance and gradually clears.

All of the causes of disqualification of male power depend on the age. If you guys impotence is related to psychological factors (fear, decrease of erotic fantasies and desire, critique partners), in men under 40 years of age and older play an important role for psychosomatic factors of disease and experiences about the disease and disability sexual.

How to increase the power in the house

Improve the quality of sexual life can be through a variety of medications. As a general rule, the greater part of the money refers to sexually provocative, which accelerate the circulation and blood flow to the genitals. They allow you to improve erection and to prolong the sexual act, but the power that they do not improve. In addition, they have a lot of counter-indications to the use.

Go to the doctor decides not all, if, and only if, when very "stuck", so you can find ways to increase the power with the phyto-therapy. Let's look at the most well-known and effective methods.

Home remedies for the power of men of quick action

Home remedies for the power

Not all methods of phyto-therapy are also useful and safe. Many replicated in the network home remedies for a power not only useless, but also represent a threat to health. In addition, one should always remember: the medicinal plants have a high allergenic potential, it is always possible immune responses. What are the tools that increase the power efficiently and without risk?

  • The onion — man's best friend. To prepare it is recommended to take 3 onions, medium size. Grinding the raw material to a soft state. This can be done by passing the onions through a meat grinder, or rubbed it on a grater. Boil half a liter of water. Give the liquid to cool. Now you must pour the raw material and leave the mixture in 3 hours. A single dosage of the medicines — half a cup. During the day, the tool to take three times before eating.
  • Nuts. Truly, the legendary tool for the treatment of impotence. Help to increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood, relieves inflammatory processes in the pelvic region (prostatitis also, many times, leads to reception of erectile dysfunction). Take nuts, you can simply by cleaning the bark, and prepared with jelly or decoction. To prepare the broth take half a pound of nuts, without shell, cover with 2 litres of cold water. Boil for 10 minutes. Then, I fix the tool-drain, let cool. Take 3 teaspoons per day on an empty stomach.
  • Raisins and milk. 200 grams of raisins (preferably black) pour in half a litre of milk. Boil received the tool. Then, throughout the day for 2-3 times to eat all the raisins and drink milk.
  • The carrot and the celery. Grind a medium carrot and 2 stalks of celery to a soft state. A mixture of eating 3 reception. The tool of anti-inflammatory and toning.
  • The ginger. 100 or 200 gr. grind and brew one cup of boiled water, consumed as tea 3-5 times per day. A portion of soup from the root can be brewed 2 to 3 times, then make a new one.
  • Thyme – the natural stimulator of production of sex cells and release of the male hormone. To prepare the infusion must take 1 St. l. chopped dried plants and boil a tea cup of boiling water. Course of treatment: take it into half a cup after eating 2 times a day. The duration of application of 3 to 6 months.
  • Catuaba – natural "viagra". Take 100 gr. the plants, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 to 4 hours and drink immediately before sexual intercourse or during the night.
  • Lemongrass – trigger of the erectile function. 4 St. l. dried seeds, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 3 hours. Drink half a cup 3 times a day for 10-14 days.
  • A veritable gold mine of nutrients is nettles. Nettle has dual action: relieves inflammation and increases the concentration of testosterone in the blood. One of the recipes: take 200 grams of the root of plants. Grind it into a powder. Pour 300 ml of boiled water (hot). Leave for 2 hours. Then, strain the remedy. Take 2 tablespoons 2 times a day.
  • In addition, so that the result became remarkable in the use of remedies will need patience and time (some weeks). And if you want to get an erection fast and delight you right now? What to do in this case? For this, the scientists made the revolution in urology. They developed a tool for potency without prescription to the basis of natural ingredients, which resolves the mens issue, already after the first intake, even after 60 years of stone riser will be secured. The erection happens instant. The decision should be taken today, tomorrow will be too late. Impotence progresses very quickly.

The rest of medicinal herbs should be avoided before consulting the doctor. Is great the risk of aggravating the problem: without the achievement of the goal of the search is not possible to say what was the reason for the decrease of the power. It is important to keep in mind: recipes are only effective when physiological impotence (when the cause is in the defeat of the prostate gland or hormonal imbalance).

Exercises of power

Exercises of power in the house the men

For the prevention and treatment of physiological impotence proper Kegel exercises. Strictly speaking, it is not as well complex. It is run similar exercises with different degrees of frequency and intensity. How to do this kind of gymnastics:

  • Stand exactly. Relax the body. Fighting with all forces to stretch the muscles that surround the prostate. Do this in the first phase is not easy. To understand what is the sensation should occur and where it is specified anatomical structure, it is recommended for the beginning to stop the process of urination (2 or 3 times). To be in a state for 3 seconds.
  • Now need to relax. Duration of vacation — 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Exercises will increase the power 10 times. During the day, you should make 3 the approach.
  • As only happen the understanding of technical and addictive to the load, the need to strengthen the intensity of the exercise, increasing the number of approaches to 5.
  • The complex Kegel to do every day for 2 weeks.

The therapeutic effect will be visible already in 3-5 days.

Products for potency in men fast action

Men of power, ability to perform full-fledged, the sex act is considered by many as a sign of nationality and as the representative of the stronger sex. Even outside of disturbances of libido and potency, in the course are medications like Viagra and other. However, there is no meaning to drink medicines, when you can do so much more gentle and effective. In this unpleasant situation help products for potency in men of quick action. The correction of the diet can help you achieve a strong result.

Products that increase potency in men

Mainly of vegetable origin, products that increase potency in men immediately, they are not expensive and every person can afford to pay. We consider the most effective and easy to access:

  1. The onion and the garlic. Contain useful CernySts junction, able to normalize the blood circulation, increase software the penis with blood. And the onions, and the garlic to contribute to the formulation of male hormones, the testosterone, raising the libido.
  2. The avocado. Has a positive effect on the quality of the erection, preventing oxidizing processes. The systematic use allows to achieve the improvement of male potency.
  3. Nuts. The effect does not happen instantaneously. It takes a few days.
  4. Oysters and mussels. The best fruits of the sea, intensifying the erectile function and male power. Act powerful aphrodisiacs.
  5. Pomegranate. Normalizes microcirculation in the pelvic region. It is used to strengthen the blood vessels and improve the potency, it is best to use the system with other products.
  6. Chocolate, natural, dark. The tool of quick action. Helps to achieve an effect snapshot through stimulating the production of endorphins and serotonin. Also has the property of improving the flow of blood in the pelvis. And thanks to a compound of antioxidants can quickly achieve the improvement of power quality, prolong the sexual intercourse.
  7. Apiculture products. Honey, perga. Contribute to the synthesis of testosterone. Natural food is the base of reinforce the blood circulation, the occupation of the penis with blood, strength and stability of erection.
  8. Egg of quail. Contains essential amino acids, involved in operations processes on the reproductive system. Are suitable to raise the libido and the potency.
  9. Citrus fruits. Lemons, oranges. Normalize the flow of blood, increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  10. Pumpkin seeds.
Pomegranate juice

Drinks, enhancing male power

This can be attributed to:

  • The pomegranate juice, the juice of citrus fruits.
  • Whipped raw eggs (eggnog, sugar-free). Increases the durability of the erection and the duration of the sexual act.
  • The juice of the grape.
  • Lean yogurt and milk.
  • Mare.
  • Berry broth.

A partial list. Products that affect the potency in men, and drinks based on them, have a variety of properties, which is based on the efficiency:

  • The ability to amplify the flow of blood in the pelvis and expand the blood vessels.
  • Ability to prevent oxidation, and, therefore, prolong the erection.
  • The saturation of the body of substances that promote the natural sexual desire. For this purpose, the improving libido connections are serotonin, dopamine, endorphin.
  • The possibility of recovering the work of the reproductive system and update it on a cellular level.

Products that improve the power, it is necessary to take systematically. They should become an organic part of the diet. But without frills.

What is harmful to eat and drink, to the power

Harmful products:

  • Excess sugar and salt.
  • SmokedStand.
  • Alcoholic beverages. Especially the beer.
  • Fast-food.
  • Semi-finished products, canned food.
  • Salted.
  • Bake the food.
  • The soy bean.
  • The coffee.

Foods with a high content of cholesterol: the parties purchased sauces, fatty meats, primarily. Other consume can be limited in number. The eggs, the butter and the liver does not account. They are harmless. These products are diametrically opposite properties. Affect the hormones and the quality of the blood circulation in the pelvis. Diet to improve male strength can pick up independently, based on the recommendations. Correction power where it will give better results than the drugs.

Other recommendations

Physiological impotence seated quickly. It is important to follow some recommendations:

  • Obey a strict diet. More plant foods, less meat and products of animal origin.
  • No smoking. That is the atherosclerosis of the vessels the pelvic, disturbing the blood circulation of the genital organs and the prostate.
  • At home, it is recommended to run easy to load. Physical exercises help to normalize hormones. Jealous, not worth it: too much physical activity may lead to the opposite effect.

Increase the horsepower without a visit to a health facility is possible. Important to adhere to the approach of the system: change of life-style, the application of herbal remedies, the execution of Kegel exercises. Here is the "triad therapy", which quickly cope with the problem.