How to increase potency before sexual intercourse

Career, family, daily issues. . . In the cycle of problems, many men put concerns about their own health on the back burner, returning to them only after discomfort becomes apparent.

An obvious example is erectile dysfunction. On the one hand, sexual weakness is a subject of fear for many men. On the other hand, weak sexual potential is rarely taken seriously in the first place. Meanwhile, the first signs of decreased potency in men certainly attract attention and are a reason to consult a specialist.

Problems with potency: psychological or physiological?

Traditionally, the problem of erectile dysfunction has been linked to age: the older a man is, the more problems he faces in the sexual sphere. However, doctors began to sound the alarm: erectile dysfunction has become younger. Starting from the age of 25, a modern man may experience periodic manifestations of this symptom. Moreover, the main reason for the decline in the potential of young men today is considered not to be stress and psycho-emotional disorders, but chronic diseases and lifestyle characteristics.

So, what are the main factors that reduce sexual potency in men?

  • infectious diseases (usually chronic);
  • diseases related to metabolic instability (including obesity);
  • prostatitis;
  • vascular damage;
  • bad habits;
  • diabetes;
  • neurotic disorders, prolonged stress, depression;
  • acquired or congenital defects of the male genital organs.

It should be noted that the factors listed do not always lead to the development of sexual dysfunction, but the first signs of erectile dysfunction or decreased libido should indicate the need to visit a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to identify the real cause of the dysfunction and exclude the presence of serious diseases that may be hidden behind the symptoms.

The fight against potential decline: in all areas

Out of 100% of men who experience sexual weakness, only 10% will immediately see a doctor and actively try to solve this problem. The rest, for various reasons, the main one being shyness, will ignore the "first signs", bringing the problem to its climax. That's why the first step to regaining sexual power is to recognize the problem, and then work to get rid of it.

The causes of decreased potency in men and their treatment are interrelated and require not only medical but also psychological correction, as well as serious changes in lifestyle and diet.

If the cause of decreased potency in young or adult men is not a physiological factor, then to normalize libido and sexual potency it is necessary:

  • abandon habits that affect negative potential - smoking, frequent alcohol consumption;
  • balance the diet - it is important to add vitamins to the menu, exclude fatty cholesterol dishes and fast food, like sauerkraut, watermelon and dark chocolate;
  • make your lifestyle more active, but without excessive physical activity;
  • avoid stressful situations, can relax and turn attention to positive aspects;
  • avoid hypothermia and carefully monitor personal hygiene;
  • do not get carried away with promiscuous sexual relations.

If the situation with decreased potency is not critical, there is no need to use drug therapy. A positive effect in combination with lifestyle correction can be achieved by taking herbal biological supplements that have a mild corrective effect on the body.

Premature ejaculation

due to decreased potency

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual disorders among men. However, it is not a complete disease, because the function of the genital organs is preserved, and at a certain point in life (adolescence, long-term sexual abstinence) is generally the norm. Premature ejaculation (PE) refers to ejaculation with little sexual stimulation, as well as the inability to delay ejaculation for the time required for full sexual intercourse. This leads to the fact that sexual partners do not receive satisfaction from sex, and conflicts arise. A man begins to experience psychological problems, fear of intimacy. If the pathology becomes chronic and begins to occur more often, the help of an andrologist is needed.

What are the causes of premature ejaculation?

There are primary and secondary (acquired) forms. Primary occurs due to anatomical defects of the genital organs or pathological heredity. Early ejaculation debut occurs during puberty, and does not depend on external factors (partner, situation, psychological state).

Causes of congenital form:

  • penile hypersensitivity;
  • serotonin receptor dysfunction;
  • short frenulum of the penis;
  • cavernous fibrosis.

Secondary premature ejaculation can occur against the background of a man's full physical health at any time in life. The main reason is chronic urogenital disease. Hormonal disorders, which are characteristic of endocrine pathology, can also cause sexual dysfunction.

Factors that significantly increase the risk of PE include:

  • obesity;
  • traumatic sexual experience;
  • chronic stress;
  • family problems (conflicts, emotional coldness between spouses);
  • the presence of a neurological diagnosis - multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease;
  • irregular sex;
  • surgery on the genitals or pelvic area.

An important factor is good nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The lack of microelements such as magnesium and zinc in men has a negative effect on the quality of ejaculation. Excessive alcohol addiction reduces the ability to control the body, which involves unpleasant events in bed.

Premature ejaculation: diagnosis and consultation with a doctor

The main consequences of pathological sexual dysfunction include:

  1. Sexual dissatisfaction.
  2. A man's inability to delay and control ejaculation.
  3. Conflict and problems in personal relationships, feelings of guilt and fear of intimacy.

If you experience such symptoms, it is recommended to consult an andrologist or urologist. During the appointment, the doctor pays special attention to collecting sexual history. For this it turns out:

  • average length of time before ejaculation occurs;
  • the impact of PE on the quality of personal and sexual life;
  • does the man have an endocrine disease or metabolic disorder;
  • How often does premature ejaculation occur?
  • at what age does the first case of PE occur?
  • whether the man is taking any medication.

A detailed study of the details of men's sexual life will allow doctors to distinguish between congenital and acquired pathologies. Doctors also classify situational forms of PE into special groups. In this case, premature ejaculation occurs only in certain circumstances (with the same partner, in a certain place).

Treatment of premature ejaculation

In some cases, it is enough to reduce the consumption of alcohol or other stimulating drinks (energy drinks, coffee) to restore a full sex life.

For psychological reasons, positive results are achieved by establishing friendly communication between spouses/partners. Using condoms or changing positions can help reduce penile sensitivity and increase the duration of sex. But such recommendations are effective only if there are no physical health problems. The choice of therapy depends on the cause of the pathology and its severity.

Conservative treatment of premature ejaculation

This group includes 3 main areas:

  • The use of local ointments, creams with anesthetics (mainly lidocaine). This method is easy to use and helps reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis. It is important to choose the right dose and follow the treatment regimen indicated by the doctor. In case of excess, the opposite result is possible - penile numbness and lack of erection.
  • Psychosexual therapy Two behavioral techniques are actively used - "stop-start" and "squeeze technique". They help recognize the feeling of ejaculation that is about to happen and slow it down. Therapy also aims to control the level of sexual stimulation. This method is included in the complex therapy of acquired premature ejaculation.
  • Take medicine. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications are used. Prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) also gives good results. Their side effects lead to delayed ejaculation.

If an infectious disease of the urogenital area is detected, a course of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. In addition, vitamin complexes can be prescribed.

Surgical treatment of premature ejaculation

how to treat impotence

Surgery is a method of last resort, used only when congenital PE is detected. To determine the need for surgical intervention, a lidocaine test is required.

  1. Denervation of the head of the penis is a microsurgical intervention in which the nerves of the penis are corrected.
  2. Frenulotomy (short frenuloplasty).
  3. Hyaluronic acid injection.

The main disadvantage of surgical treatment methods is the presence of a recovery period and the possibility of relapse. Currently, SSRIs are considered the optimal and effective method of therapy. It is also important to improve interpersonal relationships and create a comfortable environment.

Ejaculatory disorders that are not associated with diseases of the internal organs are often temporary and completely reversible. To do this, a man just needs to be more attentive to his own health. For timely detection and treatment of infectious diseases, it is recommended to regularly visit an andrologist or urologist. Sometimes an explanatory conversation with a doctor is enough.

It is important to avoid mental stress, enrich your diet with healthy foods, and overcome bad habits. If you cannot overcome your psychological discomfort on your own, do not be afraid to seek help from a psychotherapist.

How to maintain potency: advice from a urologist

Advice from a urologist to maintain potency

Is it possible to maintain a full sex life into old age? What affects potency? How to eat, what sports to do to remain a man in the full sense of the word? In what situation do you need a doctor's help? In this article, I will answer questions that concern all men and give specific advice from a urologist to preserve men's health.

Myths and truths about male potential

The topic of potential has been overgrown with so many myths that dispelling it requires not an article, but an entire book. But I will still mention a few to end it once and for all.

Stormy youth - old age without sex.

If in your youth you actively have sex, for example, every day and even several times, then at the age of 40-50 the limit of sexual possibilities will run out - is this true?
Physiologically, this statement is completely unfounded. Nature ensures that the male reproductive function works until his death. Unlike women, who have a limited (conditional) number of eggs, the production of seminal fluid continues while the man is alive.
The number and frequency of sexual intercourse in youth does not at all affect the viability of men in old age. Another issue is indiscriminate unprotected intercourse and its consequences. Complications of sexually transmitted diseases, especially those left untreated or left to chance, will definitely come back to haunt you, and it's only a matter of time.

  • Unable to control ejaculation like before
  • Not having a clear sensation, the orgasm is extinguished

If you interfere with sexual intercourse, you will become impotent.

This also includes sexual stimulation without subsequent release. Some men use this myth to manipulate their partners into having sex whenever they are aroused.
Passion without connection (ejaculation) is not very good for men's health, but it is not as critical as many people think. Interruption of sexual intercourse, when a man is maximally aroused and ready to ejaculate, can cause prostatitis due to the stagnant process. And only if you bother them regularly. Two or three episodes a month are unlikely to affect his health.

Men's Health - Urology

From a large number of factors affecting potency, urological diseases are among the "leaders". Especially in men older than middle age. The main potential enemy in this regard is considered to be prostate adenoma and prostatitis.
Urological problems in men associated with prostate adenoma usually appear after 40-45 years. What brings patients to the doctor for male problems is a weak bladder or when a man cannot urinate.

An enlarged prostate gland puts pressure on the urethra and interferes with the full flow of urine. Frequent urges, discomfort from the feeling that the bladder has not been completely emptied - all this, both emotionally and physically, is not conducive to an active sexual life. Further - worse. Problems with urination affect kidney function, and in this condition there is no time for worldly pleasures.

Unlike prostate adenoma, prostatitis is not only a disease of age. Young men can get it too. Typically, prostatitis is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle and free sex. in particular, sexually transmitted infections. The situation with them is very difficult.

Most infections that lead to prostatitis are chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, etc. - does not produce acute symptoms for a long time. The disease almost immediately passes into the chronic stage. But there are times when the disease is felt through pain, atypical discharge, and urinary problems due to prostate inflammation. A man cannot think of sex in such a situation.
As you already know, there is no direct physiological connection between prostate disease and erectile dysfunction. But this does not mean that the problem does not need to be solved; as a result, they prevent a man from having a normal sex life. Prostate adenoma or prostatitis does not go away on its own, like a runny nose. It is impossible to restore men's sexual health without the help of a doctor if they are available.

Because symptoms in urology often appear when the disease has become chronic. Detecting it at an early stage, when you can survive simple conservative treatment, is only possible with a regular preventive consultation with a urologist and taking a urological test.

Problems with erectile function - who to turn to

Now let's talk about what affects potency in addition to urological diseases, and which doctor to contact to restore men's health.
Although there are many reasons for sexual impotence, they are all divided into three types:

  1. organic. This includes physiological factors - illness and injury.
  2. Psychogenic. In this case, physiology is normal, and impotence is caused by psychological problems - stress, depression, traumatic conditions.
  3. mixed. When both physiology and psyche are to blame for problems with potency.

Among the organic causes of potency problems, the main one is cardiovascular disease. Vessels affected by cholesterol plaques or other pathological changes prevent the corpora cavernosa of the penis from quickly filling with blood. As a result, erection occurs slowly. If the corpora cavernosa is not filled with enough blood, the erection is too flaccid for full sexual intercourse. In extreme cases it is not present at all.

Another common cause is hormonal imbalance. Hormones control many processes in the body, including sexual arousal and erection. First of all, testosterone deficiency affects potency. This hormone is, in principle, responsible for the male reproductive function. But other endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, can also affect men's sexual performance.
Pure psychogenic erectile dysfunction is less common than organic. Sexual impotence is often observed with prolonged depression, neurosis, and psychological trauma. More often, a combination of psychogenic and physiological problems leads to impotence.

Again, I will take as an example a man with prostatitis and accelerated ejaculation. Imagine that he cannot control his ejaculation and his partner remains dissatisfied, for which he reproaches his partner. After some time the situation repeated itself. In addition, the man does not get much pleasure from sex, which often happens with prostatitis. What thoughts come to mind? "There's something wrong with me, I can't have sex normally! "The psychological problem is obvious. Add to that progressive prostatitis and we get impotence.

Which doctor should I contact about potency problems?

Many people believe that the main doctor for men's health is a urologist. This is not entirely true. A urologist is a specialist who treats the genitourinary system. What diseases do urologists treat? This is a disease:

  • prostate (adenoma, prostatitis, etc. );
  • bladder (neoplasm, inflammation);
  • kidney (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis);
  • urethra.

With what symptoms and when should I go to a urologist?

  1. discharge from the urethra;
  2. difficulty urinating;
  3. pain in the perineum, scrotum, around the anus, in the lower back;
  4. impurities in urine or seminal fluid.

You should see a doctor at the first symptom. Self-medication is the worst thing that can happen in this situation.

Issues related to men's sexual health are addressed by other experts. The chief doctor for male potential is an andrologist. It is he who has the necessary knowledge to determine the true cause of male impotence, prescribe adequate treatment and, if necessary, involve other specialists in treatment - urologists, psychotherapists, endocrinologists.

Since fertility and urology are closely related, andrologists are usually competent in the treatment of urological diseases and combine work in both specializations.

Useful tips for men's health

I emphasize again that age is not the cause of impotence. Sexual impotence is caused by physiological and psychological disorders, which accumulate more and more every year. This means you can enjoy a satisfying sex life even in old age.

I'm sure every man knows how to maintain intimate health.

  1. A healthy balanced diet;
  2. Frequent physical activity;
  3. Moderate alcohol consumption;
  4. No bad habits;
  5. Pay attention to your health.

The ability to have sex and reproduce directly depends on this simple natural thing. But most men take this for granted, ignore it and accept the corresponding consequences.
I still recommend reconsidering your attitude to your lifestyle and building it with the following tips in mind:

  • Stop smoking. Toxic substances you inhale through cigarette smoke - lead, formaldehyde, arsenic, etc. - destroy blood vessels. That is, they, filling with blood, make the penis hard.
  • Limit alcohol. It is also about blood vessels. In addition, it interferes with the function of the liver, which "in revenge" changes male sex hormones to female. You've probably seen what men with low testosterone and high estrogen look like: breasts that women can envy, fat deposits around the waist and hips, hair loss in areas that are unusual for a woman's body. There is great difficulty with libido and erection.
  • Play sports. Moderate physical activity prevents fluid from stagnating in the vessel, "trains" the vessel, and maintains its elasticity.
  • Get tested and undergo preventive examinations with a urologist-andrologist at least once a year.

Useful for increasing male potency:

  • Various spices and seasonings: ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, hot pepper, fenugreek. They improve blood circulation, boost immunity, give energy, and increase passion.
  • Seeds, nuts: pistachios, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds. They contain a lot of protein, vitamins and fat.
  • All seafood: red fish, oysters. They contain easily digestible protein and other beneficial substances.
  • Dairy products, especially homemade cheese (paneer, cottage cheese, but in moderation). Rich in protein.
  • Fruits: currants, strawberries, avocados, bananas, melons, grapes, figs, raisins. This is the prevention of chronic fatigue, which is one of the common causes of loss of libido. But don't overdo it so your sugar levels don't go through the roof. Many sweets are also harmful to potency.
  • Greens: – celery, cilantro, parsley, dill, tarragon, basil. Improves sperm quality and the amount of sex hormones.

TOP-7 products that improve sexual function in men:

  1. Raw oysters. Rich in selenium and zinc.
  2. bitter chocolate. Improves mood and increases testosterone levels.
  3. Fenugreek. Reduces blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of diabetes.
  4. Ginger root. Causes blood flow to the penis.
  5. Pumpkin seeds. They contain a large amount of zinc and are considered the most beneficial products for the male reproductive system.
  6. walnutSource of vegetable protein, increases testosterone.
  7. Red wine in small doses. Strengthens blood vessels.

Vitamins are useful for male potency

In addition to vitamins that improve the function of the cardiovascular system, it is important to know about other supplements that will be useful in reducing potency.

  • vitamins A, C, E, D, B3, B6;
  • folic acid;
  • omega fatty acids;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

The source of these beneficial substances is a balanced, healthy diet and complex vitamin preparations. Synthetic vitamins will help relieve prostate inflammation and balance hormone balance.

IMPORTANT! The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment. In case of pain or exacerbation of other diseases, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment correctly, you should contact your doctor.